The fundamental tenet of our company is to help other young people who have not had the privilege of attending a drama school to acquire the skills and confidence to make their own work. We partner with institutions such as Oxford University, Dance Reading, Transformative Story and Turtle Key Arts to create arts projects alongside other professionals that engage disabled and SEND children. Because our work is so light-footed, not requiring large theatres or filming, we can work with groups of young people to show them how they can create their own work with a minimum of resources. We use clowning and puppetry, and draw on the skills that we are currently acquiring as students studying theatre across Europe and the UK.
We have found that much of the focus in drama education is on acquiring contracts and agents, and the career therefore can be very passive. We are absolutely passionate about making things happen from scratch, and by doing so, being able to effect social change, and give communities a voice through helping them tell their stories and express themselves through theatre, movement and music. We work with young people in the care sector, and have regularly run workshops with children on the ASD spectrum, as well as running projects that engage vulnerable young people to tell their stories through multi-arts storytelling.